PS-Dispatch Integration

Make death screen compactible with QBCore ps-dispatch.

Go to client/bridge.lua, line 61 and add this code snippet:

local currentPos = GetEntityCoords(PlayerPedId())
local locationInfo = getStreetandZone(currentPos)
local gender = GetPedGender()
TriggerServerEvent("dispatch:server:notify", {
   dispatchcodename = "civdown",
   dispatchCode = "10-69",
   firstStreet = locationInfo,
   gender = gender,
   model = nil,
   plate = nil,
   priority = 1,
    firstColor = nil,
    origin = {
            x = currentPos.x,
            y = currentPos.y,
            z = currentPos.z
    dispatchMessage = _U('civdown'),
    job = {"EMS", "ambulance"}

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